Connect one fan to CPU Fan 1 and the other to CPU Fan 2 / OPT Four Radiator Fans via YSplitters Connect one adapter to CPU Fan 1 and the other adapter to CPU Fan 2 PUMP Its recommended that the pump be connected to an alternative fan header on the motherboard such as System Fan 1, Chassis_Fan 1, or for newer motherboards a dedicated pumpThe CPU OPT stands for CPU optional Typically, this is the header that you would use to connect some type of wiring for a liquid cooling system For example, I have two pumps running my liquid cooling (two separate loops) Each one of these pumps has a single wire that I can plug into the CPU OPT header Although I don't use this feature because I want my cooling pumps to run atCPU/GPU Mining NiceHash allows you to earn Bitcoin when you provide idle computing power of your CPU or GPU To start selling your idle computing power you must use one of the following mining programs NiceHash QuickMiner Most profitable, secure and easy to use miner Recommended for NVIDIA graphics cards
Las Cpu De Intel Con Defensas Para Spectre Aun Podrian Ser Perseguidas Por Una Nueva Variante