Spiraea japonica, or Japanese Spiraea, is a flowering dwarf deciduous shrub with leaves that change color over the season, growing 4 to 6 feet high and as many feet wide The plant is drought tolerant and has an upright, low and broadly mounded form creating a dense thicket of thin wiry stems Japanese Spiraea blooms in early summer with pink flowers that attract butterflies and is Spirea is a reliable blooming shrub that thrives in USDA zones 59 Spirea blooms consistently and profusely on new wood after some time the plant begins to look a bit bedraggled with few blooms Pruning spirea after a couple of years will rejuvenate the plant Gardeners imported Japanese spirea ( Spiraea japonica) to the United States in 1870 for use in Victorianera landscapes The easytogrow shrubs with the compact habit and pink flowers remained a favorite Now Japanese spirea is one of many Asian shrubs threatening the ecosystems of our native southern forests
How to trim japanese spirea bushes
How to trim japanese spirea bushes-Japanese Spirea 'Gold Mound' Previously known as Spirea bumalda 'Gold Mound' Phonetic Spelling spiREEa jaPONika Description Goldmound Spirea is a cultivar deciduous shrub in the rose family with characteristically golden colored leaves It is a hybrid cross between S japonica 'Alpina' and S japonica 'Goldflame' Compact in– Japanese Spirea Golden Princess shrub about 1 m tall with bright yellow leaves and pink flowers, – Japanese Spirea Gold Mount it is a Japanese spirea small, only 25 cm tall, with bright yellowgolden foliage and pink flowers, – Candlelight The height of the Japanese Spirea of this variety is also small, only half a meter It is a

The original Japanese spirea has some reddish color in the new spring shoots, and this has been developed into flame reds and gold in some of the best varieties These make a dynamic addition to your garden, contrasting with the green of other shrubs,Spirea 'Gold Mound' is a very popular and reliable shrub It has bright golden foliage in spring Also called Japanese spiraea, it was introduced into the United States around 1870 to 10 for ornamental cultivation due to its showy rosypink to carmine flowers Distribution and Habitat Japanese meadowsweet is found throughout the midAtlantic and in the Southeast, most commonly in the Appalachian Mountains
Noteworthy Characteristics Spiraea japonica, commonly called Japanese spirea, is a dense, upright, mounded, deciduous shrub that typically grows 46' tall with a slightly larger spreadLeaves (to 3" long) are oval and sharplytoothed Tiny pink flowers in flattopped clusters (corymbs) cover the foliage from late spring to midsummer, with sparse and intermittent repeatJapanese spirea (Spiraea japonica), grown in US Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9, blooms on the year's new growth and must be pruned in late winter or early spring before new growth and buds begin Late pruning cuts off the shrub's new buds, resulting in little or no flowering during the midsummer blooming period Japanese spirea is a small, deciduous shrub that grows up to 6 ft (18 m) tall and invades a variety of habitats throughout the Eastern United States The alternate leaves are oval to lance shaped, toothed along the margins, and 1 to 3 in (25 to 76 cm) long
Alpine Japanese spirea (Spiraea japonica 'Alpina') A lowgrowing, spreading ground cover shrub, about 2 feet high and 4 to 6 feet wide It produces light pink blooms which contrast well with the small, bluegreen, finelytextured leavesThe Japanese Spirea (Spiraea japonica) is native to northern parts of Japan and China, and it has been cultivated there for hundreds of years The wild plant itself is never seen in gardens and almost all the varieties grown were introduced from Japan in the 19 th and th centuriesPROVEN WINNERS Double Play Gold Spirea (Spiraea) Live Shrub, Pink Flowers with Green and Yellow Foliage, 45 in qt Model# SPIPRC (30) $1640 Add To Cart Compare #1 Bridal Wreath Spirea Shrub (2Pack) Model# THD0090 (19)

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